Thursday, 25 October 2018

Rounding numbers

Name: Sam
Date: 17/10/2018
WALT: Round numbers to the nearest whole number.

  1. 2,469.491
  2. Is between 2,400 and 2500 since i'm rounding up to the nearest tenth 2,469.491 = 2,500.491
  1. 41,806.608
  2. Is between 41,800 and 41, 810 since I am rounding to the nearest tenth 41,806.608 = to 41,810.608

  1. 219,411.099
  2. Is between 219,10 and 219,420 since I am rounding up to the nearest tenth 219,411.099 is = to 219,420.099

  1. 658,414.54
  2. Is between 658,410 and 658,420 since I am round to the nearest tenth 658,414.54 = to 658,420.54

  1. 3,605,435.85
  2. Is between 3,600 and 3,610 since I am rounding up to the nearest tenth 3,605,435.85 is = to 3,610,435.85


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